Chronic Care Management

 KAREVitals™’s CCM platform helps relieve the complexities and confusion of chronic care management and reimbursement. Whether it's a CMS-compliant solution that fits seamlessly into your workflow or a personalized and unique plan, KAREVitals™ will be there every step of the way.

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Valuable reimbursement. Eased hassle.

Determine Chronic Cases

 KAREVitals™ automatically registers patients with two chronic conditions as eligible for CCM. KAREVitals™ guides you through creating patient profiles manually with easy to access videos.

Ascertain Compliance

KAREVitals™ is committed to making sure you stay compliant by organizing everything so it’s billable. We offer a software that can ensure you’ve collected all the important documentation, including informed patient consent.

Establish a Care Plan

KAREVitals™ makes it faster to create a care plan, replacing long, wordy documents with templates that are editable with quick check-boxes that are organized by condition. Practitioners can just choose the right items for each patient, saving time and reducing confusion.

Get compensated with your time.

Chronic care management is extremely important to the process of chronic illness. KAREVitals™ makes it easy to manage your CMS compliance and get compensated for work.

Bill (and Get Paid) Effectively

 So many providers are frustrated with the process of getting reimbursed for their work. They’ve gone through all the hard work, so now it’s time to get some rewards. The KAREVitals™ CCM Platform makes it easy to collect documentation, connect with patients. Review the report and send it off to your billing specialist. This is how providers make profit with CCM.

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